Wednesday, March 27, 2013

OUT!! #22: That's not a Penny!

After returning from doing laundry this evening (having neglected it this weekend), I stopped for a bit to listen to the Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) outside the house. The chorus of chirrups and peeps can be heard for quite a distance and I'm certain there were hundreds of them chorusing for mates in the wet patches in the darkness beyond. As I walked inside I pondered what I was going to do for a blog posting here for this week. Being midweek, I wanted something easy to do that would pertain to the message of the blog, but substantive enough that it would be worth reading. I actually considered using the peepers as my inspiration for this week's blog posting, but what I experienced next would provide the basis for it instead.

As I entered the house and headed to my room, nothing unusual occurred. The same can be said when I opened my top drawer to open my coin/keepsake box that had my loose change rolling around in it. I had a large collection of quarters in my sweater pouch that I'd exchanged while at the laundromat and was eager to deposit them in their rightful place in the box at bottom of the drawer. However, as I lifted the lid, disaster struck. Having not been secured properly the last time I had closed it, the lid flew open sending a tide of pennies and nickels to the bottom corner of the drawer. I cursed as about 30 or so accumulated there and frustrated at this problem, began to hastily clear them up.

Out of the corner of my eye however, I noticed something orange and fast moving away from the drawer and towards my desk. At first I thought it was an errant penny I had missed, but after a second or two I realized it was something different all together. The mystery orange streak fled under my desk and paused for a moment. I rushed over to my bedside table and picked up my head lamp. Heading back to the desk I focused the light beam on the mystery object. Several wispy legs and a mottled orange and brown body froze in the corner. I then realized what I'd seen.
Come closer my dear...
That's close enough!
The mystery streak was a House Centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata), a species that had colonized much of the human settlements of the world. They originate from the Mediterranean region and are generally seen speeding across open ground looking for cover. Like most invertebrates that live among us, they mean us no harm and only want to care for themselves and their young. It was a cool thing to see, but as long as they leave me alone, I'm more than content to leave these creepy crawly floor walkers alone too.

Have a great week y'all!

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