Tuesday, September 10, 2013

OUT!! #38:A Healthy Outdoor Life

You see it frequently in advertising campaigns, movies, sitcoms, and other forms of media. Using the "great outdoors" as a means and a muse towards getting healthy. That's what ended up happening to me this summer. The combination of carrying a heavy bag, first aid kit, and herding groups of small children through the woods and fields of the Watershed property has left me thinner than I've ever been. As of Labor Day, I weigh 192 lbs and am adamant on keeping myself around that weight.

So what am I to do to mimic the stresses and at least the constant motion associated with active camp life? I've decided to take up running.

To my parents this is an abject bombshell as I have never displayed interest in running as a means of exercise let alone sport. It will be of no surprise to them however that I will be doing trail running as my access to a wide variety and length of trails is more or less guaranteed by my living on a nature preserve. Also it prevents the risk of road running which supposedly is harder on the feet and more dangerous due to traffic.

I've only done it for a week, but I'm adamant to keep it up as a regular habit. As long as I have somewhere to run, I figure it should do me some good in the long run (haha puns!).

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